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Sunday 16 October 2022

Mindset change: the path to success

I coached a friend Edelweiss, for over a year on how to review her online profile as well as tackle telephone interviews. The revision permitted her to regularly receive notifications of initial clearance. We overviewed the entire process and after each negative result, we discussed what could have been the challenge. Following about five negative outcomes, I began asking the matter-of-fact questions: 

- Why is Edelweiss not having a breakthrough?
- What are we not doing right? 
- What can she do differently? 

I was disturbed for a few weeks, especially because I knew she was academically and professionally over-qualified for the positions she applied for. One morning as I performed my morning routine, I had an aha! moment. I usually listen to positive affirmations or short inspirational audios during that time. When I look back, I think I may have handed over this worry to my subconscious mind all this while. That morning, a revelation seeped through my being like a whisper, like a silent thought….shift from asking to expecting.
Voila! That was all she had to do. Change her mindset from asking God to give her a career breakthrough by shifting her vibrational frequency from ASKING mode to EXPECTING/RECEIVING mode. 

You can do this by knowing beyond any reasonable doubt that what you have asked for is already yours in the spiritual realm (Fourth Dimension) before manifesting in the physical realm (Third Dimension). You ask, knowing that the moment you ask, God/The Universe rearranges itself to bring it forth to you. Consequently, in faith, you get ready to receive, by giving THANKS for it as if it is already there. Of course, it is already there, because it is a matter of Divine Timing for it to become yours.
And that was it! I sent Edelweiss a voice note, explaining the above, specifying the need for her to move from asking to expecting. And above all, to live a life of GRATITUDE. Gratitude for what you ask for turbo-charges the process and brings it faster to you.  Giving thanks is a sign of FAITH in that which you know is already yours.
Barely two months after that day, Edelweiss sent me a screenshot of her offer letter. She had just been offered a position in an organization. I was head over heels for her, shouted for joy and gave immense thanks for the miracle we just experienced. I met her a few days later and she told me when she began practicing gratitude, so many things changed. Her daughter who had been ill intermittently had fewer and finally no more episodes. 
During her first week of deployment, Edelweiss sent me this message: “God’s favor is all over me…Still getting to understand how work is done here. You are a true blessing to me”.

It is easy to be a blessing to another. We are here to help each other. We are all one, because it is the same spirit of God that is in each one of us. Being genuinely happy for other people’s success makes us grow spiritually. It is well.

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