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Wednesday 14 November 2012

His approach to STDs

 It was a Wednesday afternoon and I foresaw heavy traffic in town so I decided to rather board a taxi to visit a friend in the military hospital. 

I got into the taxi with three other passengers. Amongst them a military officer. Let’s call him Jon.  Jon was explaining to anyone who cared to listen that it is better not to have any further links with any lady when you pay her for sex. He was referring to hiring ladies for pleasure. He said that for your sake and your partner’s, it is safer not to take her phone number, and not to have anything to do with her later.

When one of the passengers asked why he should pay for sex when he can get it free from his partner, he said some of these ladies know how to do it very well. Another passenger was concerned that most of these ladies would contaminate you.  Jon gave these options: you can either use the withdrawal method, clean yourself with liquid bleach or wash up very well as soon as you are done.

I really wanted to participate in the conversation but I figured that getting involved might cause Jon to change his options.  So I let him talk. He went on explaining that those who catch illnesses are those who do not apply one of the above methods.
We alighted and realized that he and I had the same destination. As we were settling our bills with the taxi driver, I said to him, “Sir, what is the place of the condom in all this”.

He laughed so much and all the other passengers, including the driver, turned to have a good look at me. I was very serious but Jon thought I was kidding. He however admitted the relevance of what I was saying. He told me that in his profession they get a lot of coaching on STDs. He also added that a lot of people are not courageous to know their HIV status. We both had a good laugh as we went out ways, his facial expression still dazzled that I raised the protection issue.


divsy pafe said...

Wow: interesting, intriguing and educative.
Clean work in the beauty of the art.
So/hence, exhaust the possibilities.

DentedOpinions said...

Typical of our people. I won't be surprise if Jon is a doctor.