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Friday 12 September 2014

The artificial scarcity of cooking gas

This is how they create artificial scarcity. My cooking gas is finished. I went to buy it this morning and the seller says he doesn't have it. I am about to leave and he tells me there is another guy who has it in limited numbers just around the corner, but I have to pay 7.000frs rather than the official 6.500frs. 

I thought about it and decided to leave. It is true I am desperate to get the gas but why should I pay more? I called one lady from whom I always buy gas. She said I should call her back in two hours to know if she already has it. I just called now and yaaaay! She has just received a huge consignment of gas. It is really about time I bought a second bottle. 

Now tell me, should I report the previous guy to the authorities? Dont forget to put your first name. Thanks!

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